by stevanie ann


happiness journal

one of my everyday goals is to write something down that made me happy for that day! this is to help me see the positive in everyday! i decided to include this in my blog! everyday i will be adding something that made me smile or made me feel true happiness! even if the cause of this happiness was small! that way when i am faced with the days that seem almost too hard to handle...i can look back and remember the happy times!
february 4, 2011
  **today i got a compliment on how i did my hair and how cute my headband was! {{ doesn't is seem like it is the day you feel like not getting ready or doing really anything with your hair that you get complimented on it?? makes you wonder why we even get dressed up?? :)) }} even though it was a really rough day and things felt very overwhelming...this one short compliment made me smile and for a moment feel true happiness!

you never know what a compliment or a smile can do for someones day! i am striving to compliment and/or smile at at least one person everyday! if they can feel what i felt than it is worth noticing and worth the few seconds it takes out of my day!**

thank you chilis girl! :))
february 5, 2011

**today i got to spend a huge chunk of the day with my girls from work! we made a ton of way fun and way cute hair accessories! it was a really fun girly craft day and we pretty my laughed the entire time! everyone had so much fun and everyone made everyone else laugh!

i was able to feel really happy and not so lonely! it was definitely a great memory that is going to be with me for life! thanks girls! :)) {{my beautiful dogs look even more beautiful with their fun new flowers for their collars and my wardrobe has definitely become cuter!}}** 
february 6, 2011
**today i made 12 beautiful flowers and got my etsy shop all up and open for business!! it was lots of work and i spent most of my day on the computer but it was totally worth it in the end!! it made me very happy to see the end result and feel like i accomplished something really great! :)) i am excited to see the success of my business and see where it takes me in life!!**
february 7, 2011
**today was one of those rough days where not a lot happened that made me feel true happiness! i smiled quite a bit but i only really felt true happiness once! and that was when i got home after a long day of work, work, and school to find my dogs super excited to see me!! they truly love me and love when i get home! my favorite is when i smile and giggle my ava girl gets right in my face...puts her paws on my shoulders...and tries to lick my face all over! :)) she gets all excited and her tail just starts a waggin!! it is so adorable and makes me really happy! lily ann gets so excited she can't breath and has to get a drink after! :))  it is amazing to know i care for two beautiful animals and that they love me unconditionally!! amazing feeling!!! :)))**
february 8, 2011
**in class today we had a discussion about civility! what it meant and where it fit in the levels of respect! levels being -love -admiration -respect -kindness -civility -rude -disrespect -mean -hate! civility fits right in the middle! it is the fine line between being nice to someone or being not nice to someone! civility pretty much means being civil to people and treating them like human beings! we started to discuss how once we hit love we will do anything for that person even if it is self destructive! and how sometimes these levels can be mixed up and how that effects our lives!

it really got me thinking about things going on in my life! it is funny how things in life, in places you would least expect it, seem to go along exactly with what is going in inside! this discussion made me aware of things that have been bugging me as well as made me take a good look about my future and where these things are going to lead me! i think i smiled through this whole discussion! which probably freaked some people out! :)) but i just felt happy and felt a sense of resolution to things that have kind of been stressing me out! and the funny thing is i didn't fully realize they were causing me the stress until this was all brought up! it made me more self aware!

i am grateful i got the opportunity to be in that class today! i felt true happiness and my stresses didn't seem to be as big! this is the step i needed to get to a place where i am truly happy every day! :)**